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Couverture de Bonjour ! Je viens mourir chez vous., par François Lefort, éd. Chemins de tr@verse 2010

Hello! I'm coming to die at your place. - François Lefort

  • 5.99 €


What would happen if, following a major incident, which could have been the recent one in Fukushima, the financial world really collapsed? If states could no longer play their roles? If individuals were left to their own devices, without limits or values?

A captivating disaster scenario to which François Lefort's profound reflection on Man gives a masterful depth. And a reflection that must be carried out imperatively as a civilization, mortal, as Paul Valéry rightly reminded us.

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Digital book

ISBN 978-2-313-00052-6
Ebook (PDF, ePub, Mobi) - 227 p. (2010)

Paper book

ISBN 978-2-313-00134-9
Paper book - 216 p. (2010)

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