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This file was submitted to the UN in November 1950.

Posted by Michel Morvan on

This file was submitted to the UN in November 1950 , but the debate was adjourned. Things have remained there for 70 years . Theoretically, the file could be taken up again at any time , but that would surely not please everyone. What is it about?

This is the debate regarding the Tibet issue .

On October 7, 1950, the Chinese People's Liberation Army crossed the Yangtze and destroyed the Tibetan defenses. In Lhasa, the government downplayed the invasion in the hope of negotiating with Mao's China , then appealed to the UN . Supported by only one country—El Salvador—its request to include the "Tibetan question" in the Security Council debates was deferred .

Tibet: The Sacrificed Country , by Claude Arpi, is the reissue of the reference work on the political destiny of Tibet that was missing from the French-speaking public. The author does not just retrace the major stages in the history of the Roof of the World and show how, from the 5th century until the occupation by Communist China, Tibet has always managed to maintain a balance between its powerful neighbors. He lifts the veil on the real reasons for the fall of Tibet . The chapters on the role of the Indian Prime Minister, Nehru , and on the procrastination of Western countries are particularly enlightening.

Thanks to his research in Indian , Russian and American archives recently opened to researchers, to his numerous relations in the Indian diplomatic and military world, and also to his Tibetan contacts – in particular a long friendship with the Dalai Lama – Claude Arpi reveals to us the hidden side of a drama that is still tragically relevant today .




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